Pictured, from left: Kelly Jo Ellin, MVAF Office Manager; Marci Elsbury; Gina C. Lynn, MVAF Board Member
The Mon Valley Alliance Foundation recently awarded the Mantle House Mission a $250 Town to Town Minigrant for renovations to the apartment space located in the facility. This grant was funded by the Mon Valleyopoly Game Proceeds.
The Mantle House Mission is a nonprofit faith-based organization that began housing and transitioning homeless young adults since 2014. During their stay, advocates help to mentor in teaching independent living skills as well as offer guidance with employment or schooling. The Mission can also provide clothing, personal items and limited household goods to accommodate their stay.
This Town to Town Minigrant will help to renovate the bedroom and bathroom apartment located in the Mantle House which sustained water damage over this past winter, providing a comfortable place to stay.
The Mission operates two thrift stores; 132 S. Water Street, West Newton, open Wednesday through Saturday 10:00am to 5:00pm and Elizabeth Township, open one weekend monthly to sell clothing and furniture. Donations are welcome at either location with clothing only accepted at the Victory Hill location. The Mantle House Mission be reached by their Facebook page @mantlehouse, (724) 872-1800, or mantlehousemission@yahoo.com.