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Mon Valley Alliance Foundation and cfsbank support three local community organizations.

The Mon Valley Alliance Foundation in partnership with cfsbank awarded $3,000 in mini grants to local community organizations.

The MVAF Town-2-Town Minigrant has been supporting local organizations with funding and operational support since 2018 and will continue to partner with cfsbank for the third year. With 10 regional locations, cfsbank, an independent mutual savings bank, will continue to sponsor the program for another year as part of its mission to meet the needs of the communities they serve.

“Our sponsorship of the MVAF Town-2-Town Minigrant Program has been a wonderful way for us to continue our 85+ year tradition of investing in our local communities. We are excited to continue our partnership and see this program grow,” said John Gill, cfsbank President and CEO.

Town-2-Town Minigrants were recently awarded to the Charleroi Community Park Trustees, the Monongahela Area Revitalization Corporation, and the Brownsville Area Revitalization Corporation, each receiving $1,000.

Pictured, left to right: Kelly Jo Ellin (MVAF); Mark Alterici (Charleroi Community Park Trustee); Sam Miceli (Charleroi Community Park Trustee); Deborah Buck (Charleroi Community Park Trustee); and Kelly Moore (cfsbank Manager).

The Charleroi Community Park Trustees, a nonprofit organization in Charleroi, PA, holds and manages property within the Borough of Charleroi for charitable, educational, and recreational purposes in the form of a park or playground.

The organization recently acquired used playground equipment to recondition and place in the Charleroi Trustees Park at 1 Chamber Plaza. With this grant, replacement parts for the used equipment will be purchased bringing it to a new like condition. The Trustees will also purchase small play equipment and mulch to refresh the surrounding area.

“The Charleroi Community Park Trustees are embarking on an initiative to accomplish overall improvements to the park facilities, which include 2 ball fields, pavilions, playground areas and greenspace. The grant from the MVA Foundation will help to contribute to the improvements and will demonstrate to other funding agencies the importance of local support,” said Deborah Buck, Trustee.

To keep current on events and announcements, visit them on Facebook at Charleroi Community Park Trustees.

Pictured, Left to right: Kelly Jo Ellin (MVAF); George Eckert (MARC); and John Cattaneo (MARC)

The Monongahela Area Revitalization Corporation (MARC), is a nonprofit organization made up of volunteers living, working, or interested in sustaining the development of the Greater Monongahela Area (Carroll Township, New Eagle, and Monongahela). MARC is committed to preserving, enhancing, and beautifying the quality of life in our communities through their services in the area.

This grant will be used to place a new roof on the MARC Monongahela Station Mid Mon Valley Transit bus stop at the intersection of Fourth and West Main Streets in Monongahela.

“We are very thankful for this minigrant funding from the MVAF. Currently, the roof is an old shake roof, and various options are being considered for the replacement,” said George Eckert, MARC President.

To learn more about MARC events visit their Facebook at @MonongahelaAreaRevitalizationCorporationMARC and their website at

Pictured, Left to Right: Kelly Jo Ellin (MVAF); Candy Staggers (BARC); and Renee Zamany (cfsbank)

The Brownsville Area Revitalization Corporation (BARC), a nonprofit community development corporation, aims to assist with the economic growth within the Brownsville area. BARC’s mission is to achieve economic development through historic preservation, heritage tourism, outdoor recreation, community stewardship, education, youth advancement and the arts.

BARC operates out of the historic Flatiron building that also houses its museums, the Flatiron Heritage Center, and the Frank L. Melega Art Museum. The Heritage Center tells the story of America through the perspective of Brownsville during the Industrial Era and Coal & Coke Era. The Art Museum collects and preserves the artworks of Frank L. Melega along with many contemporary artists on display for all to enjoy.

“BARC greatly appreciates the mini grant that will be used to repair the much-worn steps into the Heritage Center. Tourism is a key ingredient to the economic vitality of our area and the repaired steps will ensure a safe entrance to one of our main tourist attractions,” said Candy Staggers, BARC Office Manager.

To learn more about BARC visit:


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